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Royal Albert
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- Teas of the Year
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- Trillium
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- Diversen onbekend decor (RA)
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- Royal Canterbury
- Royal Doulton
- Royal Stafford
- Royal Standard
- Royal Vale
- Seltmann Weiden
Societe Ceramique
- Société Ceramique - Basis uItvoeringen in creme en wit
- Société Ceramique - Aurora
- Société Ceramique - Beatrix
- Société Ceramique - Bruges
- Societe Ceramique - Butterfly
- Societe Ceramique - Casino
- Société Ceramique - Etruria
- Societe Ceramique - Landschap
- Societe Ceramique - Old Bridge
- Société Ceramique - Potiche
- Societe Ceramique - Teadrinker ( div. kleuren)
- Societe Ceramique - Victoria
- Sphinx
- Spode Copeland
Villeroy & Boch
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- Adeline
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- Amsterdamse grachten (VB)
- Aragon
- Arco Weiss
- Blue Elegance by Joop (Heinrich)
- Botanica
- Burgenland ( div. kleuren)
- Citylife ( Metropolian Collection)
- Clarissa
- Cortina
- Damasco Weiss
- Diamant
- Fasan ( div. kleuren)
- Fleur de Montclair
- Flora
- Foglia
- French Garden
- Golden Garden Pearls
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- Ivoire
- Kimono (Kutani)
- Manoir (vitro-porselein)
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- Palermo
- Phoenix ( div. kleuren)
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- Royal Weiss
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- Val Bleu
- Val Rouge
- Vieux Luxembourg
- Villa Medici
- Wildberries
- Amherst
- Angela
- Ascot
- Asia (R4288)
- Asiatic Pheasants (div. kleuren)
- Atlanta W4287
- April Flowers
- Augustus
- Belle Fleur
- Beresford
- Blue Pinstripe - Design van Jasper Conran
- Blue Siam
- Boxwood - Design van Barbara Barry
- Briar Rose
- Candlelight
- Carlton
- Casual Cream - design by Jasper Conran
- Cathay
- Catherine Shape
- Cavalier Meadow
- Cavendish
- Celadon
- Chartley
- Chippendale
- Citrons
- Clementine
- Clio
- Columbia Ruby Powder Raised Gold
- Colosseum
- Columbia W595
- Conway
- Cornucopia
- Countryware
- Creamware Guirlande (Garland)
- Creamware Guirlande (Garland) Gold (G4436)
- Curzon
- Dickens Coaching days
- Eastern Flowers
- Edme
- Edme Jubilee
- Florentine (div. kleuren)
- Gardenia
- Glen Mist - Design van Susie Cooper
- Gold Chelsea
- Hathaway Rose
- Ice Rose
- India
- Jaarborden
- Jade
- Kingsbridge
- Kutani Crane
- Laurel
- Lugano
- Madeleine
- Mandarin (WW)
- Medici
- Mirabelle
- Moss Rose (WW)
- Napoleon Ivy
- Night and Day
- Old Vine
- Osborne
- Palatia
- Paris
- Patrician
- Petersham
- Pinehurst
- Posy (Edme)
- Provence
- Queens Shape Plain
- Queens Shape Plain met gouden bies
- Queens Sprays
- Queen's Ware Traditional
- Radcliffe
- Rosalind
- Rosedale
- Runnymede
- Rural
- Santa Clara
- Sarah's Garden
- Shell Edge
- Silver Ermine ( Contour Shape)
- Solar (shape 225)
- Spartan
- Sterling
- Stratford
- Strawberry Hill
- Swallow
- Tapestry
- Tropical Garden
- Tulle - Design van Jasper Conran
- Valencia
- Vera Jardin - Design van Vera Wang
- Watercolour
- Wellesley
- Westbury
- White
- White Bone China
- Wildbriar
- Wild Strawberry
- Willow Weave
- Windsor
- Windsor Christmas
- Windsor Springtime
- Woodland
- A1743
- WW96
- Diverse onbekende decor(Wedgwood)
- Yong
Kristal en glas
- Alessi
- Cristal Sevres
- Edinburgh
- Gusta
- Leonardo
- Luigi Bormioli
- Moët en Chandon
- Royal Crystal Rock (RCR)
- Rosenthal
- Royal Brierley
- Scott Zwiesel
- Stuart England
- Villeroy & Boch / Vivo (uitgebracht door Albert Heijn) / Royal Boch
- Waterford
- Wedgwood Toscane (uitgebracht door Albert Heijn)
- Karaffen
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